8 Wege, um das Cannabis-High zu intensivieren

8 ways to intensify your cannabis high

8 ways to intensify your cannabis high  

After a while, the high from cannabis can wear off a little. But it doesn't have to stay that way! Whether you exercise, take a break from smoking weed, or eat dark chocolate, there are ways to boost the effects of cannabis again! Find out more below.  

When you use cannabis regularly, the initial magic may wear off and you may long for the days when the effects were so thrilling. You may never experience the honeymoon phase again, but there is an opportunity to build a new, fulfilling relationship with cannabis.  

Below are eight methods that can help you enhance and enrich your cannabis experience. From choosing different strains to adjusting your consumption habits, there are a variety of options!  

  1. Select varieties carefully  

If you're looking for a more intense high, one of the easiest ways to start is by choosing the right strain! If you're growing your own, you'll want to choose a strain known for its high THC (or THCA) levels when mature. But that's just the start, as there's no guarantee that a plant will reach its maximum potency - you need to provide optimal environmental conditions for it to do so! In theory, a strain with a lower average THC level could be more potent than one with a higher THC level if the former is grown under optimal conditions and the latter under poor conditions.  

Choosing varieties carefully  

When it comes to cannabis potency, THC isn't the only factor. Certain terpenes take the high in different directions and create a range of different experiences. For example, if you're looking for an energetic experience, you'll want to choose strains high in stimulating terpenes like limonene. On the other hand, if you prefer a more calming and relaxing high, you'll want to choose strains high in myrcene and other calming terpenes.  

  1. Need to store cannabis properly  

Even the best weed will lose potency over time if stored improperly. Especially if you grew it yourself, it's important to store your cannabis properly so it retains THC and terpenes.  

Airtight glass or steel containers are best for ensuring this. Constant air exchange can either dry out your buds or introduce too much moisture (and lead to mold), so airtightness is not an option, but a necessity. To maintain optimal humidity levels, you can also add some humidity packs (with a relative humidity of 58-62%). If you can't get hold of any, open your jars occasionally to allow moisture to escape and fresh air to circulate.  

Additionally, you should store your buds in the dark, as THC is quickly broken down by light, which can lead to a reduction in effects. Cooler temperatures are also ideal, as heat can also break down THC. If you can store your weed at room temperature, you should have no problems.  

Do you need help choosing the right strain? Our seed finder will help you find the right strain and save you hours of fruitless searching. If you need help maximizing terpene and THC levels, our grow guides have a wealth of information on how to do this.  

  1. Change your routine  

Maybe you have a good supply and take good care of it. But why do you feel like the effects are just not the same anymore? Anything consumed in excess is, by definition, not good. Smoking too much cannabis can affect the effects and reduce enjoyment. Your body adapts by making more cannabinoids available than usual and building up a tolerance to cannabis accordingly.  

It might be worth considering changing your usual cannabis consumption routine. Do you smoke early in the morning? Try to delay your urge to smoke until the evening, or at least until 4:20 p.m. in the afternoon. If you smoke a lot at night, you could try starting earlier in the day. Don't smoke with every meal. Monitor your smoking behavior and change your habits if necessary.  

  1. Consumption methods vary  

Another option is to change the way you consume. Some people prefer smoking, but different consumption methods can produce different effects. You might prefer using a vaporizer or a bong, but that's not for everyone. It's an individual preference.  

Edible cannabis products are a great way to protect your lungs. In general, edible cannabis products or dabs are the most potent. However, you should be cautious when consuming them and experiment with small amounts.  

Using concentrates or edibles instead of flower will also result in a much more intense high. Concentrates can have THC levels of 80% or more, and edibles have a stronger and longer-lasting effect than inhaled THC. However, keep in mind that while both options can result in stronger effects, they can also further affect the effects of the weed you smoke.  

If you choose edibles or extracts, always start with low doses until you know how they affect you.  

  1. Eat right  

There are numerous ways to combine cannabis with food to increase potency. A simple cup of black or green tea contains catechin, an antioxidant that binds to CB1 receptors in the brain and can enhance the calming effects of cannabinoids.  

Dark chocolate has a similar effect, especially if it has a cacao content of 72% or more. Not only does it contain antioxidants, but it also slows the breakdown of anandamide, an endogenous substance named after the Sanskrit word for "happiness." This can extend the duration of your high.  

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids can also support the synthesis of endocannabinoids and the activation of cannabinoid receptors. You should also include foods rich in terpenes in your diet, such as myrcene, which can enhance the effects of THC, or pinene, which can provide a more intense high. Pinene is found in sage, thyme, and other herbs, while myrcene is found in mangoes, broccoli, and nuts. If all else fails, multivitamins can also be helpful, as they can improve cellular absorption and stimulate circulation.  

  1. Movement  

It's important to pay attention to how healthy your overall habits are. Eating a balanced diet can improve the quality of your high. Since a lot of THC is absorbed and stored by body fat, a slow release can sometimes affect the quality of your high. Therefore, eating a healthy diet and getting enough exercise are crucial to controlling your body fat percentage.  

This might mean switching from ice cream to the aforementioned dark chocolate. Exercise is also important. Not only is adequate physical activity good for your overall health, but studies suggest it can stimulate the brain in a similar way to cannabis. Exercise has a mood-enhancing effect and can also speed up the breakdown of THC stored in body fat. A 2013 study published in Drug and Alcohol Dependance found that one session of endurance exercise increased blood THC levels by about 15%.  



  1. Take a tolerance break  

If you've tried everything and still can't get a decent high, we understand how frustrating that must be. You've made adjustments to improve the quality of your high, but you just can't seem to get any better. Maybe you should think about why you're chasing that high. Cannabis can enrich our lives in many ways, but it won't provide relief from deep-rooted emotional conflicts. Be honest with yourself about your use. If you've been using excessively, that alone can lead to impaired effects.  

It's OK to take a break to get your tolerance back to normal. You might be able to stay abstinent for a month or even longer. The longer you take a break, the stronger your next high will be. It's estimated that it takes about a month for your body to clear all the remaining cannabinoids. If you're uncomfortable taking a break, you can also get support. Re-experience what your life is like without cannabis. Then, if you can still find ways to use responsibly, you can occasionally return to old habits and experience an intense high.  

  1. Integrate natural highs  

You can use your environment to intensify your high. Sometimes the problem isn't that you're not high enough, but that the external stimuli aren't right. Try one of the following activities while you're high instead of consuming more, and you might find that you don't need more:  

Gardening or spending time in nature: It's known that we feel good being outdoors, and you can use that to enhance your cannabis experience. Working in the garden or walking through the woods heightens your senses and the world can take on a beautiful quality.  

Breathing exercises and yoga: There are many forms of breathing exercises and yoga - some calming, others energizing. Trying these exercises while consuming cannabis could take your high to a new level, invigorating your mind and calming your body.  

Listen to music: Next time you're high, try listening to music instead of watching something. When we watch TV, we tend to distance ourselves and feel less. Music, on the other hand, can provide a much more active experience. Combined with cannabis, this can lead to a very intense experience, where both the music and the effects of the cannabis are enhanced.  

Intensifying the high: a variety of possibilities  

If your weed isn't working as well as it should, there are plenty of steps you can take. Before you try to get even higher, we always recommend taking a tolerance break as this can be beneficial to your health. It could also be that you're just getting a little bored with your weed over time, so consider taking a break for a few weeks.  

After that, you can experiment with the methods mentioned above and see which one works best for you. And remember, maybe the problem isn't the high, but what you do when you're high. If you're just passive and waiting to have a good time, it's no wonder your high isn't particularly exciting. So try something new and you'll fall in love with your cannabis all over again.